Wednesday 31 August 2016

Product Review: August's Wrestle Crate

So I try to change it up a bit each month with my guest blogs and I realise I've done a few Wrestle Crate reviews now... BUT GUYS.  I CAN'T HELP IT.  They're so good.  So here's a review of the August crate; last month was the first month since they started that I've not ordered a crate and it made me hella sad and hella mad seeing what I missed out on, so I made sure that I wasn't going to miss out again... And I wasn't disappointed!

It seems to be a standard that they send you at least either two shirts and a DVD or a shirt and two DVDs with the Ultimate crate... Well this month we've gotten two of each.  What lucky wee sausages we are eh?  In total the Ultimate subscribers got two shirts, two DVDs, a little book, a badge, a coaster and an A4 print (which is another thing that seems to be guaranteed every month).

Let's start with the shirts, shall we?  They're at the usual standard of quality that they usually send out; good quality cotton shirts, a nice quality print and accurate sizing.   

We knew we would be getting a Progress item this month and I was expecting it to be a DVD but finding that it was this nifty t-shirt was just as good; Progress is one of the most popular and fast-growing promotions in the UK and certainly one with a loyal fanbase, so I can imagine a LOT of people were happy to see this when they got their crates.  

The second t-shirt is a tribute to luchador wrestling and a sly dig to THAT Kalisto promo (he's here to make a, uh, eh... Lucha thing).  To be fair Kalisto himself said that WWE should start making Lucha Thing shirts so Wrestle Crate have just gotten in there before him. As nice as the design is I'm not a fan of the bright orange (purely because my hair's usually bright orange so I can't wear it for fear of completely turning into a giant satsuma) and I've been a good pal and donated it to my mate who's a bigger fan of Kalisto than myself.

So we have a ROH 14th Anniversary DVD and The Best of LCW Volume 1.  I'll be honest; I don't think I've watched any of the DVDs I've received in my crates, purely because there aren't enough hours in the day to keep up with all the decent wrestling promotions but hopefully I will get round to them one day.  Who knows, I might even make a new blog project out of it. The ROH I imagine will be as good as any other product they've put out before and I've never heard of LCW until now so it's another new promotion to be introduced to which I always love.  They seem to have booked a few big names on this particular DVD so I look forward to watching them... whenever that may be.

Probably one of my favourite items in this crate, an exclusive signed Billy Gunn print by Erle Tompkins.  Erle also done the artwork for my Dusty Rhodes article in Calling Spots (absolute SHAMELESS self-promotion) so naturally I'm a big fan. I love the exclusive prints that we get in the crates, be it drawings or promotional photos; I like collecting them all like Pogs or Pokemon cards (really showing my age here).  I've got mad hoarder tendencies so giving me new things to collect is both a blessing and a curse so cheers Wrestle Crate!

This is a fun and interesting wee book that was also included in the crate.  It's an A-Z of gimmick matches and they didn't hold back on the creativity when coming up with some of these.  My favourites include A, the "anus explosion death match" and Y, the "Yokohoma Piranha death match", both of which are as gruesome as they sound.  Some of them are a lot tamer than those two so if any of you can find any actual real examples of those two matches then hit ya gurl up. 

I sighed when I saw this, not because of what it is but because I can imagine people flipping out at Wrestle Crate daring to include an item relating to what they believe to be the most hated wrestler in the world right now.  If you think that way then well, give yourself a wee shake because there's worse things that could happen to you.  Aaaaanyway, it's a nice wee bit of artwork on a foam coaster and I'll be using it alongside either my Triple H water bottle or my Hart family mug.  The artist wasn't specified but it's a nice art style and hopefully we see more quirky little items like it in future crates.

And last but not least we have this cute little badge!

Playing on the whole "Netflix and chill" patter that all you darned kids are coming out with these days, the badge reads "Network and Chill" (I'd assume it's plain to see but my phone camera is probably boggin because all of these photos came out slightly blurred).  Again, I'll be adding it to my wee collection of badges that I've gotten from crates past; I think we've had 4 so far including this one?  It's definitely the cutest one we've received so far anyway.

And that's all for this month's crate!  It was up to their usual standard of great and varied content and they seem to want to include even more stuff each month for us which is nice.  Although I'm really running out of storage space for DVDs and t-shirts because of it so if they want to include a wrestling themed storage unit in next month's crate then that would be greeeeeat.  

If you like what you see in this crate you can subscribe to the Ultimate Crate for £21.99 a month plus shipping on their website:

All content - Lily Lestrange 

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