Wednesday 20 November 2013

Five Questions With...So Cal Val

After last week's interview with legendary wrestling journalist Bill Apter, this week see's the lovely So Cal Val of TNA fame sit down with us for Five Questions.

Ring Name: SoCal Val
Age: 27
Hometown: Beverly Hills, California, USA
Height: 5’7’’
Weight: 114 lbs

Promotions Competed For:

Total NonStop Action Wrestling
BSE Pro Wrestling
Pro Wrestling Fighters

1. When did you first get into wrestling and what drew you to the sport?

I had my first show in 2002, three days after my 16th birthday. I had been consistently watching wrestling a few years before that. What initially drew me in were the story lines. Especially anything involving the girls. Love triangles, cat fights etc. always excited me most. I loved the drama. The stories that made the rivalries & matches so much more meaningful.

2. You're over here in the UK in November, what do you have in store for the UK fans and what are you most looking forward to? 

I study British history, art and art history so visiting England is always very special to me in terms of sightseeing! But to have my very first UK wrestling experience is something I've hoped to do for quite some time. It means I'll have an entirely new group of fans to meet and a new scene to get familiar with when it comes to learning about the local talent. There is such a rich history when it comes to British wrestling. I look forward to seeing who the newest stars will be!

3. Who have been your favourite people to work with in the business and who has proved difficult to work with and why?

I don't think it is ladylike to openly discuss who was ever difficult or unprofessional at work. That would be ME being unprofessional, no? :) (Editors Note: Can't blame a guy for trying ;) ) But to pick a favorite? Oooh that is a tough one. I think back to interviews and chemistry between me and another personality that led to entertaining segments. Guys like Rob Van Dam, Bully Ray, Kazarian & Daniels & Joseph Park were always my favorites on set. In terms of managing I'd say Jay Lethal and Sonjay hands down. It's funny to be friends with them but still be big fans of what they do. I don't think they even realize how talented I think they are. But I do!

4. What are your Top Three matches of all time and why?

It would be easier to say what my favorite series of matches or feuds would be. Immediately I think of two: Christopher Daniels against A.J. Styles is a guarantee for an amazing match. Always. That pairing always made me look forward to what I was about to see. In WWE I remember being in awe of the matches between Kurt Angle & Chris Benoit. They must've wrestled each other a thousand times and every single time it was just….WOW. I also really love Divas matches. The one I watch the most is the WWF/WCW Invasion match between Trish Stratus & Lita against Torrie Wilson & Stacy Kiebler. I just loved the story leading up to it! Maybe it takes a girl to understand why that match was so fun. Wrestling was involved sure...but there was a fantastic build up with the Hardys in the middle of this hilarious cat fight and then the sex appeal of adding the 'Bra & Panties' stipulation was just perfect. I miss matches like that!

5. What's next for SoCal Val and where can our readers catch you in action next?

  Luckily my Twitter (@SoCalValerie) is always updated with what I am doing next. I have a lot of projects in and outside of this great sport that I'm promoting: A short film entitled "That Which Falls Apart" that will be released soon. It has a really thoughtful, inspiring message I think will resonate with a lot of people. I feel honored I was chosen to be a part of that cast. After my trip to England I have a few hosting opportunities, one with the makers of "Minecraft" for a gamers convention. Lots more modeling of course and discussing details on a trip back to Germany for the Deutsch Wrestling Alliance. Am I blessed or what? Traveling and playing dress up for a living. Life is good. ;)


We'd like to thank So Cal Val for allowing us this interview.

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